Steve Wright took these pictures last weekend during the Shefford Scouts working party. Hopefully we can enjoy some milder weather in the next few weeks to let us get the site ready for the camping season. We still have toContinue reading… Winter Grips Woodlarks
News Summary – All Our Posts
2018 Camp Dates Published
The Workind Party Season Starts Early
The damp weather this year finally got the better of the tent base in one of the big tents during the Pathfinders camp, as you can see, it needed some minor repairs.:-) Thank you to everyone who cleared theContinue reading… The Workind Party Season Starts Early
Woodlarks Appeal 2017-8
We always strive to up date our facilities, Nick has put together a list of items that we need including buying a larger tent upgrading the Bradbury Croft plant room new beds for the old dormitory If you would likeContinue reading… Woodlarks Appeal 2017-8
Where does all the firewood come from?
2017 AGM Minutes
Last Chance for Sainsbury’s Active Kids Voucners
Ali Fox writes “Many thanks to all of you who have been collecting Sainsbury’s schools vouchers. They have now stopped issuing them for this year, so if you haven’t already sent them in, please would you be kind enough toContinue reading… Last Chance for Sainsbury’s Active Kids Voucners
Arthur Peter (“Oz”) Osborne
Arthur Peter Osborne (“Oz”) 1936-2017 Arthur Osborne died on March 20th 2017, aged 80. Oz was an enthusiastic supporter of Woodlarks from the 1960s or many years. Oz grew up in Wellington, Shropshire moving to The Royal Aircraft Establishment atContinue reading… Arthur Peter (“Oz”) Osborne
Collect Sainsburys Vouchers
Hi Everyone, Woodlarks are again collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers this year. They are available to collect from all Sainsbury’s stores and when ordering online from today – 25th January until 2nd May for each £10 spent. This year theyContinue reading… Collect Sainsburys Vouchers
The new web site
Welcome to our new site. We’re trying to effect a few changes to the site, here’s our reasoning The site needed to be refreshed, it had run in its oldform for four years The old theme does not render well onContinue reading… The new web site