Collect Sainsburys Vouchers

Hi Everyone,

Woodlarks are again collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers this year. They are available to collect from all Sainsbury’s stores and when ordering online from today – 25th January until 2nd May for each £10 spent. This year they have reverted back to issuing the 1 & 5 vouchers as per previous years which should make them easier to spot in your wallets & handbags!
Sainsbury's Active Kids LogoLast year we collected nearly 9,000 vouchers which was great; this enabled us to purchase several items of sports equipment which needed replacing. By collecting the vouchers it enables us to exchange them for equipment to benefit the disabled people who holiday at the camp site. It would be great if we could collect even more this year, perhaps we could reach 12,000 vouchers!

Please don’t forget to ask your friends and family if they will collect for us too, as each and every voucher really does help.

Please send any vouchers FAO Ali Fox to Woodlarks Camp Site, Tilford Road, Farnham, Surrey GU10 3RN by 1st June to give me time to count them all.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards
