2025 Camps

Woodlarks camps listed below welcome disabled campers and volunteer helpers. Genders and ages refer to disabled campers. Volunteer helpers should be at least 16 years old.
Apply to the addresses listed for further details.

24th-31st MayTrekkers
Adults 35-60+
Lynne and Glenn CooperEmailWebsite
19th-26th JulySeekers
Adults with visual impairments
07710 262 069
26th July-2nd AugustAdventurers
Boys 18 and under
Hamish Newport
07840 330 930
2nd-9th AugustExplorers
Girls 10-19
Janet RaeEmailWebsite
9th-16th AugustOdyssians
Adults 18-35+
Alastair PidgenEmailWebsite
16th-23rd AugustPathfinders
Women 18+
Sam Dunn
07401 870 474
23rd-30th AugustPioneer 2
Men 18+
Cassandra Simpson & Chloe Scott-Mearns
07789 331 725
30th August-4th SeptemberWoodland MusicAlex Crome & Carolyn PageEmailWebsite

Weeks not listed are taken by organisations, such as schools, with their own disabled campers and helpers.