We’re pleased to announce the opening of our online shop. Just follow this link, happy shopping!

The 2022-23 Yearbook is published, please click on this link to read it.

Lynne Cooper, Paul Blunden, and Alice Judd, with support from friends,  are trekking from Dover to Farnham to raise money for Woodlarks’ new pantry.

Their trek leaves Dover on March 19th arriving at Woodlarks on March 28th, 2023.

Please support them via their Just Giving page.


The dates for the 2023 open camps have been published, you can find them here.

We are open for a full programme of camps.

We look forward to seeing you and we hope you’ll enjoy our new and upgraded facilities.


Picture of Alexine at Santa's Grotto 2019We are sad to announce the death of Alexine Crawford, Trustee, on 9th December 2021.

Alexine and Woodlarks Camp Site were born in the same year: 1930 and as the daughter of its founders, she practically had Woodlarks in her blood.  In her twenties, she was secretary to her father Col. Strover for Woodlarks (camp and workshop), and on her return to Farnham in the 1980s she renewed her involvement. Pathfinders, Explorers and Odyssians open camps all owe their existence to her initiative. She was a Trustee for many years and chaired the Trustees and Management Committee for twenty years, only stepping down in 2020. She seemed always to have her finger on the pulse, remembering and recording activities and projects accomplished. Her ability to visualise ideas meant her input to building projects was invaluable, and together with this she put immense effort into raising funds and inspiring people with the vision of Woodlarks. However, her love of people is perhaps her most memorable legacy: she would visit every group that came to camp, as well as working parties, and would often do jobs around the site. Even in the last months of her life, she was thinking about development and funding. She will be very much missed.

A memorial service will be held in the near future and we will make details of the live-stream and recording available on the Woodlarks web site.




We now use JustGiving as a donation site. Please see our donation page for details.

We’re pleased to announce that the provisional 2022 calendar has been published. We look forward to seeing you!

Virgin Money Giving is closing at the end of November 2021.

We will announced our choice of replacement in the next few weeks.