Regrettably we have had to cancel the 2021 camping season. This is Sarah’s message to Camp Leaders, Hi all At our last committee meeting on 22nd January, we decided to set up a working group to consider whether weContinue reading… Cancellation of the 2021 Camping Season
Covid Update – January 2021
Update on the pandemic and Woodlarks At this time (late January 2021) Woodlarks is unfortunately still closed due to the pandemic. It has been good to hear from members of some camps, and we know many are longing to comeContinue reading… Covid Update – January 2021
Camp dates for 2021
We have published a provisional list of camp dates for the 2021 season. At present we are totally closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, as the situation evolves we decide if, and when, it’s safe to open for camps andContinue reading… Camp dates for 2021
New Standing Order and Gift Aid Forms.
Dave Gill, our Treasurer, has posted a new Gift Aid Form and Standing Order which covers multiple donations. If you are eligible for Gift Aid, please complete a form. There are instructions on the Gift Aid page and How YouContinue reading… New Standing Order and Gift Aid Forms.
Rita Sandford’s Autobiography
Hi all , we would like to share something rather lovely with you. One of our long-time campers Rita Sandford has written an amazing account of her life. The book is called “ To Paddle My Feet”. She has mostContinue reading… Rita Sandford’s Autobiography
Coronavirus Statement 17th March 2020
Covid 19 We are following government guidelines to safeguard the health and wellbeing of everyone involved: Therefore with regret Woodlarks will be closed for all activities until further notice. This is a rapidly developing situation and should the guidelinesContinue reading… Coronavirus Statement 17th March 2020
Woodlarks and Coronavirus
Coronavirus and Woodlarks. Winter work will continue as usual, to prepare for the summer season. Naturally we hope that all camps will go ahead Please keep away if you have any reason to think that you or others in yourContinue reading… Woodlarks and Coronavirus
Alexine Retires as Chair
Pilgrim Marathon Grant – Farnham Rotary Club
The Rotary Club of Farnham presented us with a cheque from the proceeds of the 2018 Pilgrim Marathon. Thanks to all who participated in the Marathon and to The Rotary Club for organising it. Picture L to R: Alexine Crawford,Continue reading… Pilgrim Marathon Grant – Farnham Rotary Club
2020 Camp Dates Published
The 2020 camps dates have been published. The camp dates we publish are those for the “open” camps who encourage new members. We do not publish the dates of camps, such as schools, who cannot accommodate new members. Please emailContinue reading… 2020 Camp Dates Published