Update on the pandemic and Woodlarks
At this time (late January 2021) Woodlarks is unfortunately still closed due to the pandemic.
It has been good to hear from members of some camps, and we know many are longing to come back to camp this year.
We have published a provisional calendar for this year’s camping season, but owing to the current changing situation we are uncertain if and when we might open.
We have set up a working group to consider the feasibility of working parties. They will also consider how and under what circumstances we might be able to open for camps.
We obviously need to follow Government guidelines, and decide when it is safe to open. It will also take us a number of weeks to prepare the site for safe use.
We will post further updates when the situation changes. In the meantime we hope you are all managing to stay well and safe. We look forward to welcoming many of you back, but only when it is safe to do so.