Jane Pyzniuk

Management Committee - Grant Fundraising & Publicity

I can honestly say that my career compass was set by engaging with Woodlarks. After graduating in biochemistry, some medical research, and then working in IT, I retrained in social work, since none of these jobs gave me the sense of being able to make a difference, that I have found by helping at Woodlarks. Once qualified, I worked with visually impaired people, disabled people and those with life-limiting conditions. My final paid role was as a telephone counsellor for Macmillan.

I came to Woodlarks as a 15-year-old ‘raw recruit’ in 1970 and have attended regularly since, so I have lived for more than a year of my life on these fields! I was a joint Camp Leader for Pathfinders from 2006-2016. Our watchwords were always ‘a safe camp and a happy camp’. I am now Chair of Trustees for Pathfinders and still look forward to our annual camp. It is an exciting move forward to be invited onto the Woodlarks Management Committee and I look forward to supporting the team, as we move on towards the WCST Centenary Year.

When not at Woodlarks, I am passionate about travel. I continue to enjoy camping and make a point of having at least one night under canvas every month. I also enjoy visiting the theatre and love cooking exotic dishes inspired by our travels.